Sunday 1 April 2018

Long Weekend Lark

How I love long weekends! Gerrie Mackey of Canberra has asked for any recipes I may have using our own garlic and turmeric. Gerrie grows her own garlic too, so perhaps we can swap recipes!

Turmeric can be dried in slices then popped into the food processor to produce this powder.

We are pretty plain cooks so it is a matter of simply sprinkling the turmeric on most things we eat! Rob loves to sprinkle it on his meat as it is cooking in the pan. I love to sprinkle it on any egg dish I do although scrambled eggs are my favourite. This dish is transformed with our minced Elephant garlic, oregano, thyme and basil that have been plucked fresh from the garden or dried from the kitchen.

Oregano picked fresh and ready for drying.

The turmeric goes well on Rob's cereal in the mornings and I like to toss it over the top of baked vegetables before I put them in the oven. It adds flavor as well as an incredible orange colour across the baked food. Baked garlic is to me, the best. Sliced and mingled amongst the other veggies it adds an earthy flavour that only chemical and spray-free, home grown food can accomplish. Our spaghetti Bolognese is also a cut above using the garlic and super fresh herbs from our garden. They are easy to grow and really pack a punch taste-wise.

This Oregano growing by our shed door has been there for nearly ten years.

I agree with Gerrie, it is a surprise to people to find out that chemical and spray free is available and makes such a difference to our health as well as our culinary delights.

Meanwhile, back in the Studio...

Cutting to size



Painting Bath Tray

These WIP's (Work In Progress) will be completed in the next couple of days. I will be taking them to a local shop "Indoor Delights" that is selling them for me. I will tell you more about all that in my next blog.

Wishing everyone a fun-filled and safe holiday!


  1. Once you've had homegrown garlic there is no going back. The flavour is so intense, varied and delicious. I use garlic in most dishes either fresh or roasted. I put a whole head of garlic in the oven when it's on for some other purpose and then use that in dressings, dips and sauces. I find raw garlic a little harsh for me so having the roasted on hand is useful. I've dried my garlic to make garlic powder similar to your tumeric powder - which is handy to sprinkle on homemade crackers or spice mixes. One recipe which I've seen but not tried out is for pickling garlic - perhaps this year. Speaking of this year, I need to get the cloves in the ground.

  2. Now that is sonething I hadn't thought of, powdered garlic! What a great idea.Same as you I can't eat it raw, however I have an Italian friend and an Israeli friend who have no problem with eating it raw. The Russian/Elephant garlic is milder in taste and intensity as it is in fact in the Leek family. Apparently black garlic is simply pickled. My Israeli friend sent me a photo of what he had done with some garlic of ours that he had pickled in a jar and it looked amazing! Good luck with your garden garlic.


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